Duning a Suzuki Grand Vitara

Can you dune a Suzuki Grand Vitara?

That’s a question you won’t hear very often, but the short answer is yes. Should you? That’s a whole different story.

Before we headed out to Glamis, CA I was sure we would take our Suzuki’s for one ride, and spend the rest of the weekend drinking beer back at camp, thinking about how right our friend Scott “dogonmut” Senko was.

But it turned out completely opposite of that. I had the time of my life duning the Grand Vitara, in fact so much fun, I bent both of my controls arms. See pictures below:

We didn’t take too many pictures over the weekend, as we were busy trying to hold speed over the sand, but we did get a few shots, our favorites are below.

Along with a quick recap video showing some of the “action

Want to see more pictures?

All the pictures from the dune trip can be found on TurnDriver.com in the Glamis Dunes gallery.

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